/About Ball-Chatham / Title IX, Section 504, Union Grievance
Title IX, Section 504, and Uniform Grievance Procedures
Title IX
Ball-Chatham CUSD #5’s Title IX and Nondiscrimination Coordinators for students and staff manage the District’s Title IX compliance program and oversee all related policies, training, and complaints.
Title IX is a federal civil rights law guiding all institutions receiving federal financial assistance from the Department of Education. It says that all such institutions must operate in a nondiscriminatory manner. Title IX states in particular that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
Our District remains in compliance with Title IX in all of our programs and activities and will respond to all complaints alleging any form of sex discrimination.
Below, students, staff, and community members can access contact information for the District’s Title IX and Nondiscrimination Coordinators. The public can also review and access related trainings, procedures, and complaint protocols.
How to report a case of Title IX discrimination: A report may be made orally or in writing to the District Title IX Coordinator or any staff member. Anonymous reports are also accepted. Those making a report are encouraged to use our Quick Tip Form.
Title IX and Nondiscrimination Coordinators
Ball-Chatham CUSD #5’s Title IX Coordinators are charged with overseeing the district's responsibilities related to Title IX mandates created to prevent sex discrimination and/or retaliation within public education programs and activities. They do that by ensuring our district complies with relevant laws and policies. Our Coordinators also have oversight into how the district handles complaints, coordinates training, completes investigations, enacts prevention measures, makes decisions, and monitors outcomes regarding discrimination and misconduct for all rights and privileges protected by Title IX. They must also promote a bias-free culture and surveil athletic and academic activities to prevent sex discrimination from creating intentional or unintentional inequities.
Additional information on Title IX and other related school policies is available on our website or through the Board of Education’s BoardDocs portal.
Pursuant to Public Act 102-0676, 105 ILCS 5/2-3.1881, you can find a link to the Sexual Abuse Response and Prevention Resource Guide from the Illinois State Board of Education here: Faith's Law Resource Guide
Section 504
The School District shall provide a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment and necessary related services to all children with disabilities enrolled in the District, as required by the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and implementing provisions of the School Code, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans With Disabilities Act. The term children with disabilities, as used in this policy, means children between ages 3 and 21 (inclusive) for whom it is determined, through definitions and procedures described in the Ill. State Board of Education (ISBE) Special Education rules, that special education services are needed. An eligible student who requires continued public school educational experience to facilitate his or her successful transition and integration into adult life is eligible for such services up to the day before their 22nd birthday. However, if the student’s 22nd birthday occurs during the school year, the student is eligible for such services through the end of the regular school year.
It is the intent of the District to ensure that students who are disabled within the definition of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are identified, evaluated, and provided with appropriate educational services. Students may be disabled within the meaning of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act even though they do not require services pursuant to IDEA.
Section 504 Coordinator

Jennifer Farnsworth
Uniform Grievance Procedures
A student, parent/guardian, employee, or community member should notify any District Complaint Manager if he or she believes that the School Board, its employees, or agents have violated his or her rights guaranteed by the State or federal Constitution, State or federal statute, or Board policy, or have a complaint.
The Complaint Manager will first attempt to resolve complaints without resorting to this grievance procedure. If a formal complaint is filed under this policy, the Complaint Manager will address the complaint promptly and equitably. A student and/or parent/guardian filing a complaint under this policy may forego any informal suggestions and/or attempts to resolve it and may proceed directly to the grievance procedure. The Complaint Manager will not require a student or parent/guardian complaining of any form of harassment to attempt to resolve allegations directly with the accused (or the accused’s parents/guardians); this includes mediation.
Please see Board Policy 2:260 - Uniform Grievance Procedures for more information.
Board Policies
Nondiscrimination Policy - 5:010
Title IX Policy - 2:265
Harassment Policy - 5:020 and 7:180
Prevention of and Response to Bullying Policy - 7:180
All policies can be located at BCSD Board Docs
If you have questions, you may email the Illinois Civil Rights Bureau staff at civilrights@ilag.gov or call the Illinois Civil Rights Hotline at 1-877-581-3692.