/School Information / Handbook
Student Handbook
Statements published in this handbook are subject to changes as needed to ensure continued compliance with Federal, State or local regulations and are subject to review and alterations as may become necessary for the routine operation of the school.
Handbook Link
Elementary School Handbook (PDF)
District Handbook Chapters
Outline (Pages 1-4)
Chapter 1: Introductory Information and General Notices (Pages 5-9)
Chapter 2: Attendance, Promotion and Graduation (Pages 9-11)
Chapter 3: Student Fees and Meal Costs (Pages 11-14)
Chapter 4: Transportation and Parking (Pages 14-16)
Chapter 5: Health and Safety (Pages 16-34)
Chapter 6: Discipline and Conduct (Pages 34-47)
Chapter 7: Internet, Technology and Publication (Pages 47-51)
Chapter 8: Search and Seizure (Pages 51-52)
Chapter 9: Athletics, Extracurricular Activities and Field Trips (Pages 52-56)
Chapter 10: Special Education (Pages 54-56)
Chapter 11: Student Records and Privacy (Pages 56-61)
Chapter 12: Parental Right Notifications (Pages 61-65)
Glossary (Pages 65-67)
Elementary School Handbook Chapters
Outline (Pages 1-2)
Chapter 1: General School Information (Pages 3-4)
Chapter 2: Attendance (Pages 4-7)
Chapter 3: Student Fees and Meals (Pages 7-8)
Chapter 4: Parent Information (Pages 8-10)
Chapter 5: School Activities (Pages 10-11)
Chapter 6: Academics (Pages 11-13)
Chapter 7: Student Conduct (Pages 13-16)
Chapter 8: Health and Safety (Page 16)