/School Information / Pick Up / Drop Off Procedures
Pick Up / Drop Off Procedures
Times For Drop Off and Pick Up
Students can be dropped off from 7:15 AM to 7:30 AM. Class begins at 7:30 AM.
Students will be exiting the gym for pick-up at 2:22 PM on regular dismissal days, 1:22 on Wednesdays for early release and 10:32 AM on half days.
Drop Off and Pick Up System
When dropping off or picking up students at Glenwood Elementary School, please use the northbound road extension parallel to Glenwood High School off of Plummer Blvd. (See visual here) The two lanes in this area parallel to the high school are used as two lanes going in one direction. When cars meet the stop sign at the end of the lane, it becomes one lane into the pick up line cul-de-sac. Children should remain in their cars until the car passes the cul-de-sac portion of the drive. At that point they may exit the car and enter the building through the community doors.
Parents that are dropping off their children must remain in their cars.
When children are picked up at the end of the day, your child will be called from the gym to your car using the number system on the sidewalk. Please stop at the numbered circles on the sidewalk before having your child enter your car. We will use the name tag hanging from your mirror to call your student.
Supervision will be provided to safely guide the students with this process. Supervisors follow established safety procedures.
The lane in the front of the building will not be available for parking between 7:00—7:45 AM or 2:00—2:45 PM. This lane will be used for the purpose of student drop-off or pick-up from school.
When children are delayed in coming out to their car at drop off, parents may be asked to pull forward in order to help maintain a steady flow of traffic.
Students will not be allowed to be picked up in the office during pick up times. You must use the pick up line process.
Please use the car visor sign, and hang it from your mirror to inform supervisors who you are picking up. Signs can be requested through your child's teacher.
Please refrain from cell phone use in the car pick up line. Illinois law prohibits drivers from talking or texting on cell phones in school zones when children are present. This prohibition is meant to protect drivers and keep our children safe.
Please hang up your cell phone!
Illinois law prohibits drivers from talking on cell phones in school zones. This prohibition is meant to protect drivers and keep our students safe.