/About Glenwood Elementary School / FAQs
Glenwood Elementary School - Frequently Asked Questions
Q. When can students be dropped off?
A. The school’s main entrance and student entrance is unlocked at 7:40 a.m. Students will report directly to their classrooms. All other doors are locked at all times. The school’s main entrance doors are locked at 3:30 p.m.
Q. What are the school’s office hours?
A. The school’s office is open from 7 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
Q. When is the best time to call and talk to a teacher?
A. Teachers can receive calls from 7:30 – 7:40 a.m. and from 2:50 – 3:10 p.m. Classes will not be interrupted during regular classroom hours. Voicemail is available for each teacher, however, they may not check their mail until 2:50 p.m. Please do not leave bus changes, absences, pick-up, or emergencies on a teacher's voicemail. An operator can be reached by dialing "0" on the main telephone message (483-6704).
Q. How do I find out if school is dismissing early for a weather emergency?
A. Parents/guardians will receive a phone, email, and/or text message in the event of an emergency school closing. In addition, all Ball-Chatham websites will post school closing information, and the information will be on the District's social media pages. Local media will post school closing alerts as well. It is advisable to have an after-school plan in case the school closes early.
Q. Who do I call to report that my child will be absent?
A. You may call the school directly 483-6704 Ext. 8 before 9 a.m. to report an absence.
Q. When can I call for an absent student's homework and when can I pick it up?
A. Homework requests MUST be received in the morning before 11:45 a.m. and are to be picked up in the school’s office after 3:30 p.m.
Q. Are there any student fees?
A. There is a $130 registration fee, and a $40 technology fee. These fees are waived for students who qualify for the free lunch program.
Q. Whom do I see about medical information pertaining to my child?
A. The school nurse should be given necessary medical information at registration or on a need-to-know basis.
Q. Where can students receive vaccinations?
A. Students can get vaccinations through the local health department or from their health care provider.
Q. When is physical exam and vaccination information due?
A. All physical exam and vaccination information is due before the FIRST DAY that the student attends school.
Q. What should I do if my child needs to take medication at school?
A. There is a medication policy form in the student handbook or online that needs to be filled out for any prescription that needs to be taken during school hours. Click here to download the "Authorization for Medication" form.
Q. Where do I find information about field trips?
A. All field trip information can be found in classroom newsletters and on special notes sent home pertaining to field trips. All parents attending field trips must have an approved Volunteer Record Check on file.
Q. Under what conditions do the students have indoor recess?
A. Students will be outside for recess unless it is raining at the time of recess or the "feels like" temperature is 20 degrees or lower. As always, when school is in session during cold winter months please ensure that your children are dressed as warmly as possible (multiple layers), and outerwear is rated for sub-zero temperatures.
Q. What should I do when my child needs lunch money?
A. You may go online through Skyward to add money through the RevTrak system; or send lunch money to school with your child's name and their teacher's name written in the memo portion of the check. Please make sure that all lunch money is in a sealed envelope marked with the same information. Please make checks payable to Glenwood Elementary. A lunch statement noting your child’s balance is emailed each week.
Q. What should I do if I have to pick up my child early or during school hours?
A. Parents need to call the office or send a note with the child that is to be given to their teacher. Students who leave during the school day are to be picked up and signed out in the school office.
Q. When are students dismissed?
A. All buses leave Glenwood Elementary on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 3:40 p.m.; and on Wednesdays at 2:40 p.m. Students being picked up are dismissed at 3:35 p.m. (M/T/Th/F), and at 2:35 p.m. on Wednesdays. They and can be picked up in the front of the building.
Q. Can my child ride the bus home with a friend?
A. Yes, however, requests for changes to your student’s bus transportation needs must be communicated in writing 48 hours in advance of the change. Requests will be considered by Transportation and a determination will be based on District policy and space availability on the bus. No verbal requests or requests less than 48 hours in advance can be accommodated.
Q. Is there a PTA or PTO at Glenwood Elementary School? How do I get involved?
A. There is a Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) at Glenwood Elementary School. Every parent/guardian is considered a member. Find out more information on the BCGPTO website at https://www.ballchathamglenwoodpto.org.