/About Glenwood High School / SAFE Resources
Student and Family Engagement Program
Glenwood High School exists to be an exemplary Illinois high school that fits the needs of all students. The mission of Glenwood High School’s Student and Family Engagement Program (SAFE) is to identify at-risk students and to intervene or come between whatever is impeding the student’s success and the student. The U. S. Department of Education defines at-risk students as students who are not experiencing success in school. At-risk students tend not to participate in school activities and have a minimal identification with the school. They have disciplinary and truancy problems that lead to school credit problems. They exhibit impulsive behaviors, and their peer relationships are problematic. Family problems, drug addiction, pregnancies, and other problems prevent them from participating successfully in school. (U.S. Department of Education, ERIC Digest) The core team of Glenwood High School’s SAFE is composed of classroom teachers, administrators, counselors, school nurses, resource officers, and the SAFE Coordinator. SAFE team members attend trainings that focus on reducing barriers to learning that affect a student’s social and academic performance, appropriate identification and referral procedures, and awareness of intervention strategies. SAP team members meet on a weekly basis to discuss referrals and action plans.
Student Assistance Groups for the fall semester will begin the first week of October. The groups offered this semester will be Gay-Straight Alliance and Healthy Minds Healthy Lives. Groups will meet Tuesday and Thursday each week. If you are interested in joining a support group, please see or email your school counselor.
Adolescent Depression Information about signs, symptoms, and treatment for adolescent depression. http://aacap.org/cs/root/facts_for_families/the_depressed_child
Adolescent Mental Health Services Comprehensive mental health services for adolescents including assessment and treatment of depression, anxiety, ADHD, and other issues. http://www.mhcci.org/
Adolescent Self Injury Adolescent self-harm includes cutting, picking, and burning. Self-harm behaviors are often embarrassing to both the adolescent, parents and family, and friends. Read about the causes, symptoms, and ways to help. http://aacap.org/cs/room/facts_for_families/selfinjury_in_adolescents
Adolescent Stress Information about teen stress, coping strategies, and ways to support teens. http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/emotions/stress.html
Adolescent Suicide Teen suicide is a leading cause of death among adolescents. Here is information regarding the causes, indicators of suicide, and how loved ones can help. http://www.teensuicide.us/articles3.html
Alcohol/Drug Prevention Adolescent alcohol and drug prevention organization. This organization provides leadership training and teen mentoring programs including Operation Snowball, ITI, and related programs and events. http://os-iti.org/
Eating Disorders Eating disorders among teens are concerning to parents, friends, and other family members. Anorexia and bulimia cause both physical and emotional damage. Here is information about the signs, symptoms, and ways to intervene to help those who struggle with an eating disorder. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/eating-disorders/features/eating-disorders-children-teens#1
Relationships Information about relationships with others, how to identify healthy relationships, and indicators of unhealthy relationships. http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/emotions/stress.html
Community drug and alcohol services for adolescents and adults. Services include drug and alcohol screening and assessment, inpatient and outpatient treatment, and DUI services. http://recovergateway.org/Illinois-Locations/Gateway-Alcohol-Drug-Rehab-Springfield.aspx
https://www.rehab.com/illinois provides mental health and substance abuse resources for people at any stage of their recovery journey