/ Directory / Teachers
To view Glenwood High School personnel, please click on a category to the right (or if viewing on a mobile device, the categories below).
Angela Getty - Adaptive Art / Adult Living / Business Concepts / Information Processing
Denee Scheidenhelm - Accounting / Business Law / Entrepreneurship-Management / Personal Finance
Roger Tyler - Computer Applications / Excel / Information Processing
Driver's Education
Kyle Franke - Behind the Wheel / Driver's Education
Michael Janke - Driver's Education / Novels & Rhetoric IV (A & B) / Sociology
Trevor Lehnen - Behind the Wheel / Driver's Education
Jared Marshall - Behind the Wheel / Driver's Education
Tracy Altman - AP Language & Comp / Honors English II
Pam Barris - CP English III / World Literature A & B
Stacey Billingsley - CP English I / Creative Writing A & B
Amanda Bryan - English II / English III / Honors English I
Ken Carter - AP Literature & Composition / Debate / Honors English II / Speech / Speech Team Advisor
Megan DeMaris - CP English I / World Literature A & B
Michael Janke - Driver's Education / Novels & Rhetoric IV (A & B) / Sociology
Ashley Loyd - CP English I / CP English II / CP English III
Tess Olson - CP English I / CP English II
Amanda Power - CP English II / Honors Composition 101 / Transitional English III / Student Council Advisor
Lorie Rude - CP English II / Honors English I
Gary Sneyd - Honors English II / Honors English III / Transitional English IV
Kara Torres - CP English II / CP English III
Loren Wilson - CP English I / CP English III / Honors British Literature
Family & Consumer Science
Anna Olmsted - Foods I / Foods II
Mary See - Child Development I & II / Creative Sewing / Fashion Design I & II / Interior Design
Fine Arts
Nicholas Brockamp - AP Music Theory / Lessons / Music Technology / Show Choir / Symphonic Choir / Treble Choir
Angela Getty - Adaptive Art / Adult Living / Business Concepts / Information Processing
Sydney Hodel - Art Exploration / Digital Photograph I / PLTW Computer Science / Video Production I
Hallie Koenig - Art Exploration / Drawing / Watercolor
Amy Lynn - AP Studio Art / 2D Art / 3D Art / Ceramics I / Comic Art
Bill Mitchell - Adaptive Music / Concert Band / Jazz Ensemble / Lessons / Symphonic Band / Wind Ensemble
Gina Campbell - Algebra II / AP Calculus AB / AP Calculus BC
Tammy Cox - Geometry Concepts / DI Math III / Hearing Itinerant
David DeMuro - AP Computer Science / AP Statistics / Geometry
Monica Dickerson - AP Statistics / Honors Algebra II/Trigonometry / Honors Pre-Calculus
Kristi Dubasik - AP Calculus AB / Algebra I / CP Math IV / Key Club Advisor
Karen Large - Algebra IA / Algebra IB / DI Math I / DI Math IV
Samantha Long - Algebra I / Algebra II / Geometry
Jeffrey Marten - Algebra IA / Geometry Concepts
Ryan Martin - Algebra IB / AP Computer Science / AP Statistics
Tanner Nigh - Algebra IB / Algebra II-Trigonometry / Geometry
Alex Rappe - Algebra I / Algebra IA / Geometry
Shelly Reising - Honors Algebra II-Trigonometry / Honors Pre-Calculus
Nici Ropac - Algebra I / Algebra II-Trigonometry
Amanda Vignassi - Algebra II-Trigonometry / Geometry / Honors Algebra II-Trigonometry
Physical Education / Health
Jarod Bruner - Strength / Health & Strength / Health & Wellness
Vondel Edgar - Strength / Wellness
Sara Hogan - Fitness / Health Strength / Health Wellness
Robert Howard - Strength
John Hyde - Fitness / Wellness
Jay Lipe - Strength / Fitness / Wellness
Josh Meisner - Health & Strength / Health & Wellness / Strength
Brandie Mullink - Adaptive Wellness / Health & Wellness / Wellness
Jennifer Alessia - Chemistry / Honors Chemistry / Physical Science
Liz Barnes - AP Biology / Biology II / Honors Biology I / National Honor Society Co-Advisor
Laura Brauer - Chemistry / Honors Chemistry / National Honor Society Co-Advisor
Samantha Brown - Biology I / Biology II
Carrie Chelbian - Biology I / Physics
Grant Godar - AP Physics I / AP Physics II / Physics / Scholastic Bowl Advisor
Ruth Godar - AP Biology / Biology I / Honors Anatomy & Physiology
Chris Luzio - AP Chemistry / Chemistry / Honors Chemistry
Amanda Moore - Biology I / Honors Biology I
Timothy O'Toole - Physical Science / Physics
Stephanie Sawyer - Biology I / Biology II
Social Studies
Damian Adams - Psychology / World History I
Josh Atwood - Geography / Strength / World History I
David Babcock - Consumer Education / Honors World History I / Titan Advantage
Rashid Bibb - Government / World History II
Todd Blakeman - US History I / US History II
Josh Crossland - AP European History / AP US History / World History I
Brent Duggins - Dual Credit US History / Honors World History I
Mike Garber - Current Events / Economics / Government
David Hay - American Government
Michael Janke - Driver's Education / Novels & Rhetoric IV (A & B) / Sociology
Amanda O'Rourke - AP Macroeconomics / AP Microeconomics / US History II
Michael Ranos - Honors World History II / World Affairs / World History II
Special Education
Brittany Bradford - Structured Daily Living / Structured English - Work Experience / Structured Math - Work Experience / Structured Foods / Work Experience
Tammy Cox - Geometry Concepts / DI Math III / Hearing Itinerant
Ari Curtis - Independent Living / Job Skills/ Step / Transitional English III
Tristin Duffy - Social Development / Structured English - Work Experience / Structured Math - Work Experience / Structured Foods / Work Experience
Katie Ely - Structured Daily Living / Structured English - Work Experience / Structured Math - Work Experience / Structured Foods / Work Experience
Toni Hobbs - DI Science I / Alternative Education
Tara Joiner - Social Development / Resource
Kody Kirkpatrick - Alternative Education
Sharon Lang - Vision Itinerant
Karen Large - Algebra IA / Algebra IB / DI Math I / DI Math IV
John McElmeel - DI English I, III, IV / DI Math II / Geometry`
Tetiana Truett - DI English II / DI English III / Resource / Transitional English III
Joseph Wail - DI Government / DI Science II / DI US History / DI World History
Sydney Hodel - Art Exploration / Digital Photograph I / PLTW Computer Science / Video Production I
Patti Kaylor - Film / Graphic Design / PLTW Engineering / Yearbook / TSA Advisor
World Language
Jamie Althoff - Spanish I/ Dual Credit Spanish I / Model United Nations sponsor
Emanuela Bruce - Spanish II
Blanca Dykstra - Spanish I / Spanish II
Amanda Johnson - AP Spanish / Spanish III / Spanish IV
Janelle Voss - German I / German II / Spanish I