/School Information / GHS Vision
Glenwood High School Vision
From "A Vision Realized"
Dedication of Glenwood High School – May 5, 1957

On Wednesday, January 4, 1956 ground was broken on the present site (currently Glenwood Middle School) for the new building. After many delays, the present building of Glenwood was occupied on March 1, 1957.
The citizens’ school advisory group conducted a contest among the school children for a name for the school. Of the hundreds of names presented, five were proposed for the Board of Education. The name Glenwood was then finally selected. Special credit is given to Miss Judy Johnson, a third-grade student in Miss Erna Ostermeier’s room at Caldwell (Elementary), for submitting the winning name…”
“…Each person through his faith and labor in this educational enterprise demonstrated that he is a living example of the fact that public education is the foundation of good government and world peace…”
Glenwood High School will be an exemplary Illinois high school that meets the needs of all students.
Our vision for providing an enriching learning experience at Glenwood High School includes the following:
1. Glenwood High School will encourage all students to see themselves as life-long learners and to consider their education a life-long process that includes experiences, both inside and outside of learning institutions.
2. Glenwood High School will provide a safe, welcoming, caring, and orderly environment in which all students can learn and grow, as individuals and as a diverse and respectful community of learners.
3. Glenwood High School will provide a suitable and equitable physical and technological learning space for all students and teachers and will utilize and balance available resources to meet the needs of all.
4. Glenwood High School will expect all members of this learning community to be actively engaged, both intellectually and ethically, in the learning process.
5. Glenwood High School will work together and with the extended community in a collaborative fashion to provide learning opportunities for all students and teachers, both inside and outside of the classroom, to support their efforts to learn and grow and to recognize and celebrate their achievements.
6. Glenwood High School will provide all students with information, assistance, and support to develop appropriate educational and career goals for transitioning to, through, and beyond high school. Attention will be paid to the whole student, including academic progress, behavior, and emotional well-being.
7. Glenwood High School will continue to review and maintain a curriculum, which allows all students to explore and develop interests and talents. All students will be expected to utilize good study habits, acquire as well as apply knowledge, and engage in the thoughtful development, exchange and refinement of ideas.
8. Glenwood High School will expect all students to learn, to develop independence, and to increasingly accept responsibility for their learning, decisions, and actions.
9. Glenwood High School will expect parents to continue playing an active role in the education of their children, monitor their children's academic performance, and work collaboratively with the administration, faculty, and staff to maximize their child's high school experience.
10. Glenwood High School will continue to recognize and develop the importance of its collaborative relationships with its extended community.
Glenwood Fight Song
Stand up and cheer,
Cheer loud and long for dear old, Glen-wood.
For today we raise
the red and white above all others.
The sturdy band now is fighting,
and we are sure to win this frey!
We're sure to win,
we're sure to win,
we're sure to win,
we're sure to win,
for this is Glenwood High School's day!
G-L-E-N-W-O-O-D (repeat)