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Glenwood Intermediate School Counseling
Keeli Rasche, MA, NCC | School Counselor - Webpage
465 Chatham Road, Chatham, IL 62629
(217) 483-1183 x 1429 Fax - (217) 483-1254
Room 189 ~ Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
A Note to Parents
At GIS, we regard you, the parents, as vital members of our team. Our goal is for every student to feel that he/she has reached his/her personal best during his/her years in Chatham. In support of students to make the most well-informed choices, we ask the following of parents:
Encourage your child(ren) to do their best in school. Insist on good study skills. Work collaboratively with our staff.
Become involved in school activities. Attend our presentations, and share your concerns, feedback and ideas.
Talk early and often with your children about their goals.
Talk to us! Ask questions and keep us informed of concerns. Together, we can provide the support and services necessary for your child(ren) to succeed.
Support Services
The following support services are available to students:
INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING - Individual counseling is a confidential relationship in which the counselor meets individually with a student to help him/her resolve or cope constructively with a problem or concern. Issues may include divorces, death or loss, peer relations, academic concerns, organizational and study skills. Requests to see the school counselor may be initiated by parents, staff members, and/or students. Referrals to outside resources may be provided when more intensive counseling is desired.
GROUP COUNSELING - Group Counseling is utilized in schools to address an array of issues. Small groups provide students with a safe environment in which to interact with other students with whom they can relate due to common circumstances. Group opportunities vary from year to year depending on the needs of the student population. Groups that have been offered in the past include: divorce and family transitions, grief, anger management, friendship, and the Girl Scout P.A.V.E. Leadership Program for girls. Parents may contact the school counselor for more information.
CLASSROOM GUIDANCE ACTIVITIES - Classroom guidance lessons are taught by the school counselor periodically throughout the school year. This gives the school counselor the opportunity to interact with each student in our school community. Classroom lessons do not require students to share personal information. Possible topics include: study skills, personal safety, making and keeping friends, conflict resolution, stress and anger management and career awareness.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT - The school counselor provides programs for the acquisition of skills, attitudes and knowledge that enable students to be aware of the relationship between academic achievement and the world of work.
PARENT CONSULTATION - One critical aspect of maintaining a successful, collaborative community is effective communication. Toward that end, parent consultation with the counselor provides a valuable role. The counselor may consult with parents regarding academic and/or social issues related to the child in an effort to create the most positive learning environment for the child. A parent, teacher, school administrator or teacher may initiate this consultation.