/About Glenwood Intermediate School / Directory / Learning Resource Center
Learning Resource Center
Ebook Subscription Now Available!
There is now an ebook subscription for the entire district called Axis 360. It can be accessed by the links below or by a phone app called Asix 360. Below are the links for each school (Middle school and Intermediate will share and all elementary share a link). Students will need their Google ID and Google Password to access the service. It is for eBooks and Audiobooks.
Glenwood High School
Your Axis 360 Digital Media Library is accessed via this URL: http://bcsd5ghs.axis360.baker-taylor.com/
Glenwood Middle School and Glenwood Intermediate School (titles can be middle school levels and themes)
Your Axis 360 Digital Media Library is accessed via this URL: bcsd5gms.axis360.baker-taylor.com
You will share an account. The link is the same for the three schools. Your Axis 360 Digital Media Library is accessed via this URL:
Rebecca Caudill Award
The Rebecca Caudill Award is an exclusive award given to books in Illinois. This award is voted on by students in grades fourth through eighth each year. The Caudill list is filled with new and old titles nominated by teachers in the state of Illinois. Students at Glenwood Intermediate School have been shown this year’s nominees and have been discussing the excitement behind the titles. Students are encouraged to read some of the titles before March 2020, so they might vote on their favorite. Please visit the following website for a complete list of Rebecca Caudill nominated titles. The Chatham Area Public Library also has copies of these nominated titles for interested students. https://www.rebeccacaudill.org/
Helpful Links:
Book Awards
Bluestem Award: https://www.aisled.org/bluestem.htm
Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award: https://www.rebeccacaudill.org/
Chatham Public Library: https://www.chatham.lib.il.us/
Follett Shelf: https://search.follettsoftware.com/metasearch/ui/41760
username: gisstu
password: gisstu
Grolier Online At Home
username: gwis
password: home