/ Directory / Teachers
7th Grade
Becky Adams - Language Arts
Lisa Bostrom - Math/Language Arts/Science/History
Kathryn Burdick - Math/Language Arts/Science/History
Riana Cattoor - Language Arts
Katelyn Cecil - Language Arts
Jennifer Ferguson - Language Arts
Lanie Ihlenfeldt - Language Arts
Kari Kath - Math/History/Science
Jennifer Lewis - Language Arts
Kaitlin Mason - Math
Kelli Marchizza - Math
Anthony Mattera - Math
Lauren Meneghetti - History
Justine Miller - PE/Health
Dana Neumann-Gray - Science
Kendra Quarton - Social Studies
Michael Rigoni - PE/Health
Michelle Selsor - Science
Jacob Siebert - History
Lauren Smith - Language Arts/Math
Jennifer Vespa - Science
Joshua Voigtlander - PE/Health
Dawn Williams - Science
8th Grade
Kyle Andrew - History
Lisa Bostrom - Math/Language Arts/Science/History
Melissa Brooks - Science
Chelsea Cox - Math
Jackie Creighton - Language Arts
Meghan Gonzalez - Language Arts
Bridget Good - PE/Health
John Hummel - History
Traci Kimball - Math
Tricia Langheim - Language Arts
David Laub - Language Arts
Anthony Mattera - Math
Kyle McCormick - Language Arts
Justine Miller - PE/Health
Jeffrey Reid - Science
Michael Rigoni - PE/Health
Michelle Selsor - Science
Jacob Siebert - History
Olivia Stout - Math/Language Arts/Science/History
Jill Turley - Math/History
Joshua Voigtlander- PE/Health
Michelle Yeager - Language Arts
Jamie Althoff (GHS) - Spanish I
Meredith Burroughs - Stop, Communicate, & Listen
Kristy Fletcher - Gateway to Engineering, Gateway to Computer Science
Robert Howard - Construction Technology
Andrea Kimbro - FaCS of Life
Christina Mauck - Band
Dylan Propheter - Band
Elizabeth Reynertson - Dimensions of Art
Zoey Zara - Chorus/Crescendo