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November 30, 2022 Board Meeting Recap

Writer's picture: District NewsDistrict News

The Ball-Chatham Board of Education met for its regularly scheduled meeting at the District Office in Chatham, Ill. on Wednesday, November 30, 2022.

The following is a summation of the items discussed and those that were approved, as well as links to those items in the Board packet.


Illinois State Scholars Announced - Supt. Dr. Lamon and the Board of Education recognized the 50 Glenwood High School seniors who were named Illinois State Scholars by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission. The Illinois State Scholar program is awarded to high school seniors based on ACT or SAT test scores, the sixth semester class size, unweighted class rank, and Grade Point Average (GPA). Illinois State Scholars rank in the top 10 percent of the state’s high school seniors.​ Click here to see the list of GHS Illinois State Scholars.

Title IX Update - Ms. Caitlyn Moody, Director of Athletics and Title IX Coordinator, provided the Board with an update regarding Title IX. She stated that the initial report was submitted to meet the Office of Civil Rights’ Sept. 30 deadline that included three of the four items.

  • Scheduling of Games and Practice Times

  • Provision of Competitive Facilities

  • Publicity

Caitlyn also said that the District was granted an extension on the Athletic Interest and Abilities item until today, November 30 which has been submitted. Thus far, the District has not received a response back from the OCR on the September 30 report, yet the District has reached out to them twice. She believes that the OCR is likely waiting for the report that was due today to review the entire report.

Additionally, Caitlyn reported that the District is currently collecting data and information in the following categories to review:

  • We have sent a survey to 93 area schools from 11 conferences within a 2 hour radius to see what sports are being offered that we do not currently have and if they match the interest of our students with the ability to sustain interest in the future.

  • Reviewing the interest surveys and district surveys to see what sports could be coming in the future. This would include a cost analysis, coaching structure, and roster goal.

  • Coaching structure and roster sizes

  • District budgeting per sport needs

  • Facility assessment as a part of the overall Facility Review that the District is conducting

  • Equipment (budgeting and needs)

This was an informational item only.

Citizens - Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning any Agenda Topic - None were noted.


All members of the Board voted to approve the Consent items, which can be found at here.


All members of the Board voted to approve the Personnel Consent items which can be found here.


2022 Tentative Tax Levy Presentation - CSBO Charlotte Montgomery presented on the proposed 2022 Levy. The board will hold a Tax Levy hearing in December. Mrs. Montgomery recommended the Board approve the tentative tax levy, as presented, at the Regular December Board Meeting after the Public Hearing is held. A copy of her presentation can be found here.

Set Truth and Taxation Hearing - The board voted to approve holding a truth and taxation hearing, which will take place at the December regular board meeting on December 21, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. The appropriate notice will be posted on the District's website and in the Chatham Clarion.

Paper Bid Results - CSBO Charlotte Montgomery presented the bid results for paper to be used throughout the District in its copiers. The lowest bidder was Liberty Paper at $39.50 per case. Board members voted 7-0 to approve the paper bid contract to Liberty Paper. A link to the bid results can be found here.

Approval of WSEC Building Contracts to Purchase - Supt. Dr. Lamon, along with Board members, discussed the opportunity for the District to purchase the WSEC building, which has been listed for sale. Currently housing WSEC, the property is located between Glenwood High School and Glenwood Elementary School. It contains a 13,037 square feet building and an approximately 300 foot tall, lattice style communications tower and associated equipment, satellites, fencing, and cables. The property is being sold “as is for $500,000. The Board voted unanimously to approve the resolution, contracts and final steps necessary to acquire the WSEC building and fixtures for $500,000. Click here to view the resolution.

GHS Roof Replacement Project (Phase II) - Mr. Mike Dobbs, Director of Facilities and Grounds, requested the Board to approve moving forward with awarding the GHS Roof Replacement Project (Phase II) to the Henson Robinson Company. The overall cost of the project is $497,926 which includes a 10% contingency and all architectural fees. The project is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2023 with a substantial completion date of August 4, 2023. The Board voted unanimously to approve moving forward with awarding the GHS Roof Replacement Project (Phase II) to the Henson Robinson Company for a overall cost of $497,926. Bid detail can be found here.

School Calendars for the 2023/24 and 2024/25 School Years - On behalf of the District Calendar Committee, Assistant Superintendent Jen Farnsworth presented the school calendars for 2023-24 and 2024-25. The 2023-24 calendar, previously approved by the Board, only had a minor change of the dates of the Parent-Teacher Conferences. The Board voted unanimously to approve the school calendars for 2023-24 and 2024-25. Links to these calendars are as follows: 2023-24 2024-25


Future Board Meeting Dates / Dates for 2022/23SY

  • December 7, 2022 - Facilities and Grounds Committee Meeting (4:00)

  • December 13, 2022 - Finance Committee Meeting (4:00)

  • December 21, 2022 - Regular Board Meeting (6:30)

Citizens - Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning any Topic - None were noted.


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