The Ball-Chatham Board of Education will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m., December 21 at the Ball-Chatham District Office - 201 W. Mulberry in Chatham.
Those who wish to address the Board must do so in person, from the podium. They must also state their names in order to be recorded in the meeting minutes. Those who are unable to attend but who wish to communicate directly with our board members may email them at BCSDBoardofEducation@bcsd5.org. Please note, however, that email communications will not be read aloud.
A video summation of the items discussed and those that were approved will be available the on the District's YouTube channel within 24 hours of the meeting. The full video of the meeting will also be available for viewing on the District's YouTube channel at that time. Finally, a written summation of the meeting will be available on the District's website within 24 hours of the meeting.
A link to all Board of Education meetings can be found here: https://go.boarddocs.com/il/cusd5/Board.nsf/vpublic?open